
Friday 13. september

Venue: Reykjavík City Hall

14:00 Children and young people’s concert

‘Barna og unglinga rímna tónleikar’ (Children and young people’s rímur concert) Children from Laufásborg kindergarten's Kvæðabarnafjelag will sing, and Tríó Zimsen with Rósa Jóhannesdóttir and Helgi Zimsen, will perform Dótarímur by Þórarin Eldjárn.

Admission free

15.30 Opening reception, Reykjavík City Hall

Venue: Fríkirkjan

19:30 Concert - Tickets 4.900 kr.

Bjarni Karlsson, Chris Foster and Gadus Morhua Ensemble

Bjarni Karlsson is a 30-year-old musician from Akureyri, educated as a pianist, he recently completed a B.A. degree in Creative Music Media. He is familiar with all sorts of stringed instruments, guitar, mandolin, langspil etc. Folk music has been in the foreground of his music making in recent years. For the last few months, he has been working writing new songs in the style of Icelandic traditional folk music, and they will be heard mixed with old folk songs with a slight twist.

Chris Foster is a master of his trade recently described as “one of the finest singers and inventive guitar accompanists of English folk songs.” Writing in fROOTS magazine Colin Irwin said “Chris Foster merits legend status, one of the very best in the second wave of the British folk revival in the way he modernised and invested traditional songs with inventive guitar arrangements and potent vocal delivery.”

Over the past 40 plus years Chris has performed and recorded throughout the UK, Europe, North America. His most recent album, 'Hadelin' was nominated in the 2018 BBC Folk Awards. 

Since 2004 he has been living in Iceland, where he performs and records both solo, and with his wife Bára Grímsdóttir in the duo Funi. This will be his first full concert in Iceland since the Covid plague.

Check out Chris' music at: https://chrisfoster1.bandcamp.com www.chrisfoster-iceland.com 

Gadus Morhua Ensemble - The Icelandic baðstofa meets the European baroque court. What if a European aristocrat, carrying his cello and exploring Iceland 200 years ago had found himself taking part in the kvöldvaka (evening entertainment) in an Icelandic baðstofa (living room), facing a local farmer playing his langspil? Singer and langspil player Eyjólfur Eyjólfsson, with Steinunn Stefánsdóttir (singer and baroque cellist) and singer Björk Níelsdóttir explore this imaginary world and blend together Icelandic and foreign songs in their own original arrangements. Gadus Morhua is the Latin name of the Atlantic cod, and is an allusion to the trio's cross-cultural approach as well as the fluid, borderless territory of the music.The trio is a strong example of the living Icelandic folk song tradition and the way each generation approaches the material in its own unique way.

Gadus Morhua released their first album ‘Peysur og parruk’ in 2020.

Check out their music here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_1IqP22P94

and here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1p-VKHp8SM

Venue: Ægir bar

22.00 Session - all welcome

Saturday 14. september

Venue: IÐNÓ

Daytime Workshops

Tickets 1.900 kr. each workshop

11.00 - 12.30 Introduction to Rímur singing: Bára Grímsdóttir

13.30 - 15.00  Folk Dance-floor Survival 101. :Barnaby Walters and Lauge Dideriksen

15.30 - 17.00  How to play the Icelandic langspil: Chris Foster.

Tickets 1.900 kr. each workshop

19.00 Evening feast & dance

Feast & Dance tickets 9.900 kr.

  • Food by Valkyrjan Bistro & Bar 

  • Surprise pop-up entertainments

  • Raffle

  • Dance Musicians: Lauge Dideriksen & Barnaby Walters 

Sunday 15. September

Dagur rímnalagsins/ Day of Icelandic rímur

Venue: EDDA, Arngrímsgata 5, 107 Reykjavík

Home of The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies

14:00 Seminar - Rímur in all times

Admission free

Organised by Kvæðamannafélagið Iðunn in collaboration with Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic studies.

This event will be conducted in Icelandic

Seminar moderator: Kristinn H. M. Schram


Þorsteinn Björnsson: Mansöngvar í rímum fyrir 1600

Eva María Jónsdóttir: Rímur detta úr tísku

Margrét Eggertsdóttir: „Kæt þig maður og kvinnan fín með kvæða skvaldri“

Katelin M. Parsons: Vitum við nóg um rímur á 20. öld?

Ragnar Ingi Aðalsteinsson: Nýjar rímur

17.00 Concert - New rímur 

Admission free

First performances of 4 brand new rímur. 

Umferðin í Reykjavík - by Sigrún Haraldsdóttir. Performed by Ingimar Halldórsson.

Rímum af Láka jarðálfi (brot) - by Bjarki Karlsson. Performed by Bára Grímsdóttir.

Rímur af kvíaflóttanum mikla - by Gunnar J. Straumland. Performed by Gunnar J. Straumland.

Forsetakosningar - by Sigurlín Hermannsdóttir. Performed by Ásta Sigríður Arnardóttir.